9 Favorite Free SEO Tools For 2022-2023

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 9 Favorite Free SEO Tools For 2022-2023

The best part, every single tool in this list

is 100% free.

I'm Akhtar Nawab , the founder of Backlinko,

the place where marketers turn

for high rankings and more traffic.

And if you're looking for tools

that will help you get higher Google rankings,

you'll love this  Article, keep Reading.

The first tool on this list is called seedkeywords.com.

Most keyword research tools work the exact same way,

enter a seed keyword into a tool

and get a list of suggestions.

The problem with this approach is this,

everyone types the same exact seed keywords

into these tools.

No wonder most keywords are super competitive.

That's where Seed Keywords comes in.

It helps you sidestep this problem.

Instead of pulling seed keywords out of thin air,

you actually ask customers how they'd finds you online.

Then you use those seed keywords

in a traditional keyword research tool.

For example, let's say that you run

an online flower delivery e-commerce site.

Well, you'd use Seed Keywords

to create what's called a scenario.

Basically, you ask people

how they would search for what you sell,

then send that scenario to people

and if you're like me,

you'll be surprised at the responses that you get.

Finally, put the terms that you find

into your favorite keyword tool

and you'll find some untapped keywords

that your competitors don't know about yet.

Which leads us to our second free SEO tool, SERPerator.

Now I didn't include SERPerator on this list,

just because it has a name

that kind of sounds like terminator.

Although, that didn't hurt.

With that, here is how this tool works.

As you probably know,

the search results change dramatically,

depending on where you are and the device that you're using.

And this some tool helps you check out the search results

across different locations and devices.

All you need to do is specify your device and location

and you'll see exactly how the results will look

for someone searching from that location, using that device.

Pretty cool and now it's time

for our third SEO tool, Exploding Topics.

You probably already know that finding new trending keywords

is an SEO goldmine and it's simple math.

If you target an old keyword,

they're gonna be more blog posts, articles, YouTube  Article

and content in general, that you have to compete with.

But when you target new keywords that are trending up,

you get in early before the search results

get super competitive.

For example, a while back, I wrote a post

optimized around the keyword, Mobile SEO.

Back when that keyword was relatively new.

Even though that keyword didn't have a ton of searches yet,

I knew that Google had been rolling out updates

that penalize sites that weren't mobile optimized,

which meant that searches for that keyword

were primed to explode.

And because I got in super early,

I was able to carve out a top three ranking

for this growing term,

a ranking that I still hold to this day.

The question is, how do you find these new trending terms?

Well, you could use Google Trends

but the issue with Google Trends

is that you already need to know what you're looking for.

In other words, Google Trends is great

for confirming a trend

on a keyword that you already know about,

but it's not really helpful

for coming up with new trends and topics.

Enter Exploding Topics.

With exploding topics,

you get a list of new trending keywords

presented to you on a silver platter.

And the tool has a database

of trending topics across several different industries,

including health, fitness, marketing, fashion,

consumer products and more.

Moving right along, our next free SEO tool

is called LSI Graph.

You've probably heard of LSI keywords before.

They're basically words and phrases

that are closely related to your main keyword

and when you include these terms in your content,

Google sees your content as comprehensive,

which can give you a nice little rankings boost.

For example, let's say your target keyword is "Star Wars."

LSI keywords for "Star Wars" would be things like,

Luke Skywalker, Jedi, Princess Leia

and the Millennium Falcon.

So, how do you find LSI keywords?

A very cool free tool called LSI Graph.

Just enter your target keyword into the tool

and you'll get a list of LSI keywords

that you can sprinkle into your content.

Pretty cool, with that,

it's time for tool number five, TubeBuddy.

TubeBuddy is a free Chrome extension

that helps you optimize your YouTube  Article for SEO.

For example, let's say that you wanna use

some of the same tags that another  Article is using.

Well, you can use TubeBuddy to easily see those tags

and use them in your Article.

Or let's say you're looking for a keyword

to optimize your Article around.

You can use TubeBuddy to see the competition level

on YouTube's the first page for that keyword,

which leads us a tool number six, Wordtracker Scout.

Wordtracker Scout takes kind of a unique approach

to keyword research.

Instead of entering a keyword into a tool,

Wordtracker scans a page

and finds keywords that show up over and over again.

That way, you can go over to one of your competitor's pages

and grab the keywords that they're already using

in their content.

You can even sort the list of keywords by opportunity,

which are terms that have the best ratio

of search volume and competition.

And now it's time for SEO tool number seven,

the Google Search Console.

No list of SEO tools would be complete

without talking about Search Console, why?

Well, if you take a step back,

Search Console is actually a pretty feature-rich piece

of SEO software.

And unlike almost every other tool in the market,

the data that you get comes straight from Google,

so you know it's legit.

For example, you can use the Search Console

as a rank tracker to check your site's ranking in the SERPs.

You can also use it to get a feel

for your site's backlink profile.

Now, this isn't nearly as good

as a paid tool like Ahrefs, but it's not terrible.

Last but not least, you can see all of the pages

that your site has indexed in Google

and if you have any technical SEO problems

that's holding your site back.

Which leads us to tool number eight, Answer The Public.

Most keyword research tools get their data

from the same exact place, the Google Keyword Planner.

Answer The Public is a little bit different.

This tool focuses on questions that people ask

on forums, Quora, Reddit, blogs and on social media

and it turns those questions into awesome keywords.

My favorite feature inside of Answer The Public

is that they have a section dedicated to versus keywords.

So, why is this helpful?

In my experience versus keywords are great for SEO,

that's because versus keywords

usually aren't super competitive

and the people that search for versus keywords

tend to be pretty advanced,

which means they're usually close to buying something.

For example, I recently published this post

that compared Ahrefs to SEMrush.

Even though this keyword doesn't get a ton of searches,

the people that do search for this keyword

are pretty advanced.

Remember, these aren't newbies

that are looking up what SEO is or how it works,

they're comparing two different paid tools.

And these are the exact type of people

that I wanna get in front of,

which is why I published that versus post.

And like I said, versus keywords

aren't usually really competitive,

which is why I was able to rank in the top three

within a few weeks.

And now it's time for our last tool,

SEO tool number nine, Animalz Revive.

Animalz Revive helps you find older content on your site

that needs an update and upgrade, or both.

Before this tool came along,

you had to manually find these pages in Google Analytics

and it was a huge pain.

But with this tool,

you get a list of pages that need some TLC.

It even shows you how many visitors you're losing

by not updating your old content.

So, before we end this  Article,

I've got a quick bonus tool for you, Siteliner.

Siteliner is a free technical SEO tool

that scans your site for SEO problems

like blocked pages, messed up redirects,

duplicate content and broken links.

You can even drill down into each page on your site

to see if the tool found any issues.

You can also compare

your site's loading speed and page size,

to other sites in Siteliner's database,

which is helpful for benchmarking.

So, that's my list of my nine favorite free SEO tools.

Also, if you want exclusive SEO and traffic techniques

that I only share with subscribers,

head over to backlinko.com

and hop on the newsletter, it's free.

Now, I wanna turn it over to you,

which tool from today's Article are you gonna try first?

Are you gonna find trending keywords using Exploding Topics

or optimize your Article with TubeBuddy?

Lemme know by leaving a comment below, right now.


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