How To Create Free Website With Google in 15 Minutes- And Earn money At Home

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 How To Create Free Website With Google in 15 Minutes- And Earn Money At Home

hello all of us nowadays i'm able to display you step through step a way to construct a complete expert internet site

totally free that seems like this one have a take a observe it complete expert internet site the menu the ads

the featured posts the entirety monetizing with associate banners the entirety in only 15 mins

so let's begin step primary visit and sign up together along with your gmail account extremely good smooth

you may have this dashboard right here what you are going to do genuinely is cross right here with this

small arrow and click on on a brand new weblog i will call it make cash weblog some thing

supply it a call and cope with it ought to be precise and say and we created the weblog the make cash weblog

70. if we now cross right here and click on on view weblog you may see we've got this bizarre internet site

what you will do step one is cross right here to subject and we're going to deployation a subject

of path i'm able to now no longer use the default themes right here in blogger i do not find it irresistible so click on

in this arrow right here and say res tor then add and you'll want to pick out a subject

from wherein to get a subject simply visit the hyperlink in description you may discover this small article

eleven pinnacle unfastened blogger templates for any area of interest if you cross right here down you may see a number of templates

definitely unfastened you may down load totally free one for training some thing in our case you will

use the polar blogger template cross right here down load it after which let's cross lower back to our paintings right here cross

to downloads you may see the polar unfastened version simply add the xml report open restoring subject

very excellent now if we open once more right here the weblog and refresh or the internet site refresh

you may see our new template hooked up extremely good it is empty it is k the second one step right here is to

alternate this brand we need to feature our personal brand so i decide on continually down load this photograph shop photograph

as on computer after which cross right here visit houses to see the scale cross information and also you see it is 176 through 58

pixels what we are able to do is cross right here to cross right here create a layout custom length 176 through 50 create

a brand new layout and you'll have this editor right here we are able to upload some thing you need you cross over to text

upload a heading let's set it to fifteen some thing and you may call it right here i'm able to call my weblog i'm able to

call it in brief cash like this simply resize it after which you may down load as a transparent

photograph and we've got the brand now a way to add and alternate the brand genuinely cross right here to format

then we can have the header brand edit you may see there is the brand a default brand cross down right here and

say add photograph from laptop or pc pick document let's cross right here to downloads that is my brand shop

when you add say as opposed to name and description and say shop then shop and also you

can see now the brand is in my internet site very excellent so we created the weblog or the internet site we changed

the brand in case you cross lower back to my principal internet site that we're growing some thing comparable you may see we

have a few content material a few articles so let's upload a few articles a few posts to our internet site once more cross lower back

right here to posts and genuinely click on on new publish i'm able to cross right here and open this newsletter this one this one

this one and this one and genuinely i'm able to replica the name cross right here paste then replica the article

and paste right here extremely good easy and let's now supply it a label a label is sort of a class so it can

categorize your internet site that is very crucial i might say that that is approximately that input it truly is it

post verify in case you now cross lower back to our internet site and refresh you may see we've got this newsletter however

we do not have an photograph so how we are able to upload a featured photograph to our posts genuinely i'm able to cross

right here to the unfastened internet site wherein you may have a number of unfastened pix i'm able to say right here depths

some thing and you've a number of pix i'm able to choose out one like this one right here then cross into unfastened

down load pick out small length then unfastened down load very excellent cross lower back right here to posts i'm able to open this publish

and genuinely cross up right here and upload an photograph from my pc say pick documents and that is the photograph

extremely good smooth pick out replace and now in case you cross lower back right here and refresh extremely good we can have

a featured photograph for our publish i'm able to repeat this for 5 six instances to fill my internet site

in case you cross now and refresh our internet site you may see we've got now a few content material however once more if we cross

lower back right here and to my principal web page you may see we've got a featured publish this large photo right here how we are able to

upload this to our internet site genuinely cross right here to format once more you may see it is extremely good smooth through the manner

cross into featured publish edit and genuinely cross down right here and pick out a publish like this one and say shop now

in case you refresh extremely good we can have this featured publish and an entire internet site step range 4 is how

to create a menu like this one right here so we are able to clear out out and upload classes to our internet site or weblog

we've got this default menu right here we need to alternate so once more cross lower back to format cross up right here and also you

will see the hyperlink listing open it you may see those different hyperlinks right here i'm able to delete the entirety delete

all of the menu like this shop now in case you cross lower back right here and refresh we've got not anything so we are able to upload

now our personal custom menu let's assume we need to feature an object i'm able to upload the primary class that is

that that is the class beneathneath the intensity articles and also you want to feature the class or

the label url so in case you cross lower back to our internet site hit our weblog you spot we're going to have the labels

simply replica this replica hyperlink cope with from this label after which paste it right here and say shop shop and now

in case you refresh we can have the depths class in case you click on on it we can get handiest articles

beneathneath the intensity class extremely good and this manner you can upload a number of hyperlinks right here a number of classes

then we've got a social plugin you may upload your personal social hyperlinks a way to edit this easy once more cross

hit the format we've got social plugin click on on it and you then definately have all of the hyperlinks fb twitter

linkedin some thing you need as an instance i will get my youtube channel url right here and edit this paste it

shop shop if refresh now right here and click on on youtube it's going to take you to my youtube channel

so that you can edit your social plug-in urls extremely good smooth you may alternate the youtube video

the fb web page it is the equal the fb right here you may modify your fb web page call the

subscribe us hyperlink right here you may upload some thing video you need for youtube it is a javascript plugin so

you may upload some thing code you need as i did right here i brought an advert an associate advert a way to try this i

will display you in a bit bit however earlier than we want to create a few crucial pages just like the privateness

coverage web page just like the phrases web page and the touch us web page you may see the privateness coverage the phrases

and the touch us web page those are very crucial mainly in case you need to use to google adsense

later you need to create them how let's begin with the privateness coverage and phrases and situations genuinely

cross into h my unfastened search engine optimization and advertising gear internet site cross right here to net gear privateness coverage

generator upload your internet site name in my case it is in brief cash and the internet site url is dot

generate privateness coverage and right here we're i will replica it cross right here then visit pages and

genuinely create a brand new web page i'm able to name it privateness coverage web page easy like this say post and verify the equal operation you may do for the phrases and situations i need to do i do not need to waste

time now you may simply input it replica it and paste it and create the web page now a way to upload this web page

to the menu to the footer right here genuinely cross lower back to your weblog format in case you cross down right here you may discover

the footer menu widget open it cross down we've got the touch us the approximately web page i'm able to edit this

and speak to it privateness coverage some thing you need and also you want to go into the privateness coverage web page

url right here it's far genuinely like this the weblog url cut back p for pages then privateness coverage say shop

shop refresh our weblog and right here we're we've got the privateness coverage web page open it and right here we're

extremely good extremely good smooth do the equal for the phrases web page now a way to create the touch us web page like this

one a touch us shape let's examine cross right here to format upload a device then genuinely cross down right here

and click on on touch shape please observe up withinside the display this widget i'm able to flip it off

i need to make it invisible shop it smooth cross now to pages then new web page then say touch us

and right here transfer to html view please observe up cautiously there is a small trick right here remove

the entirety and paste the code that i'm able to supply you withinside the description under you may discover a code

html code simply paste it right here ctrl v to stick and make certain right here to update this together along with your weblog identityentification

wherein's your weblog identityentification right here we're replica it then paste it down right here and post extremely good smooth once more

visit lower back to format after which cross down right here footer menu and let's upload a brand new web page all of the touch us

is right here simply we want to edit the url the equal simply say cut back p cut back touch us html shop

shop let's refresh after which cross down touch us and right here we're extremely good now let's examine how we are able to upload

this banner right here the associate banners let's visit one in every of my associate advertising networks i'm able to open i'm able to log into my account to expose you a actual instance login k very excellent cross right here

to advertisers phase through the manner in case you need to learn the way i do associate advertising you may

test my video description under besides let's examine right here my advertisers and say seek i'm able to visit

google workspace get hyperlinks then i'm able to cross ahead to hyperlink 5 banner advert seek to discover a banner

let's assume i need three hundred through 250 like this one i'm able to get the code that is the code replica it cross right here to

format upload a device html call it upload paste the code right here and shop then shop once more and let's examine

what is going to show up now let's cross lower back to our internet site our principal web page and you may see now our associate

advert is in our internet site extremely good smooth simply replica the code and paste in a widget now in case you are questioning how

to alternate this i will right here genuinely once more right here withinside the settings phase you may discover tab icon click on on

it and you may choose out a document to alternate additionally right here in the settings phase you may connect to google

analytics so that you can music your internet site with google analytics it is so crucial additionally and in case you

need to feature a custom area as opposed to this bizarre area right here the block spot area you may genuinely

click on on custom area right here and input your area let's do it i'm able to open call reasonably-priced i purchased a

area for this path for this video it is called in brief area i'm able to log into my account first

and call reasonably-priced now you could inform me if i need to shop for a website it's going to now no longer be unfastened

and also you set the unfastened just a few staying power and i'm able to inform you what you may do sign up right here i've a

area in click on on control advanced dns let's cross right here and paste say you want to feature

you need to upload those c names so i'm able to replica this vacation spot and the www phase

and goal and set a goal right here once more cross lower back and upload this call and you then definately report i'm able to say

c call report right here the host is like this and that is the cope with vacation spot smooth shop k

excellent after which shop it's going to take a few time to replace the dns simply wait a bit bit

after which you may map your area let's pause the video and are available lower back in mins and you may

see now we are able to redirect to our custom area quite simple earlier than i end perhaps you are

questioning how i brought this commercial right here once more it is extremely good easy within side the format phase

we can have this upload code simply edit it and upload some thing you need right here and the advert will appear

on this area so we created a complete internet site a complete weblog definitely totally free

wait a minute you stated the area isn't always unfastened so how we are able to control this smooth in case you cross right here

to my youtube channel however this calls for a few paintings like round 5 hours to get a unfastened area in case you

visit films phase you may see right here i did a case have a take a observe on a way to earn like  bucks a day

so that you can paintings like  or 3 days to make 5 six seven bucks with this video

it is unfastened without a abilities you may do it with a few web sites like % people and micro people i

confirmed you a actual case have a take a observe operating 9 hours and you may make a few bucks to shop for a website with

so it is also unfastened after which connected to your weblog right here's our internet site in case you enjoyed


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