keyword research tool

Next Technology

 targeted visitors to my website and i

will also show you

how I managed to outrank some big

websites for example for this keyword

here best texas

state parks for camping you can see that

my travel blog travel croc is in

position number two and I managed to


some very high authority dot gov


I've managed to outrank other huge

authority sites for example for Borah

borough facts

one of my blogs once

again is ranking on page one

and it's outranking

encyclopedia so

Read this vide Article all the way through to

In the end doesn't skip any

sections of the Article and I will show

you exactly how I do this and how you

can start doing the same the process

essentially consists

of two steps step, one is to generate

keyword lists and after you've got the

keyword lists

generated step two is to then validate

each of the keywords on the list

and find the best most suitable and

easiest keywords

so I'll walk you through both of these

steps let's get into step one which is

generating keyword lists

the first method to generate keyword

lists are by using google autosuggest but

I will show you a few

advanced tricks that you probably don't

know so the first thing

to look at is to make sure that you're

looking at

google our website if your content is

going to be in English

you will want to be doing this method

using google our website so just type in

google us into google and then click

this first result

this will ensure that you are looking at

google search results as if someone who

is located in the us

of course, if your website is in Italian

or in german you will want to go

into google Italy or google Germany then

you can use the Google autosuggest

feature as we're working through this

the Article we're going to be

growing a list of keywords similar to

what you can see on the screen

and I will show you how to generate a

list of these keywords we're going to

populate all of the keywords

into the left-hand side and then we're

actually going to undertake some

analysis to figure out how easy

it is to rank for each of these keywords

so the first

way to actually start populating this


is by typing in something that's related

to your topic

into the google search bar so if let's


you have a travel blog then you might be


ideas about what to write about the

state of texas

so and then you would type in texas and

you can see that Google is starting to

automatically suggest

certain things here for you now I will

expand this I will write something like


state parks all right and now you can

see that we're starting to get some


now these are sorted in the order of

the highest popularity so we will know from

these that texas state parks have got

the highest search volume texas state

park reservations

will have the second-highest texas state

park maps will have

fewer volume etc all the way down the

the list you can do this the same way in any

niche it doesn't

just work in the travel niche you can do

this with internet marketing with

finance with parenting

for example, if you start typing in the best

kids and then you will see that there are

all the suggestions for best kids movies

jokes movies of all time watch etc now

to come back to our example

you can see that I've gotten some

suggestions that I probably wouldn't

have thought of

if I was just doing research in my head

rather than using google autosuggest and

I can see here we've got texas state

parks with cabins

texas state parks iv camping bucket

journal so these are quite unusual

keywords that we probably wouldn't have

thought of ourselves

so let's take this one texas state box

with cabins that sounds like a nice

keyword and we can

enter it into our shortlist as the first

the potential option here texas state parks

with cabins now here are a couple of

advanced streaks

uh with google auto suggest you get

10 suggestions here but you can actually

start typing

letter by letter after for example texas

state box and then you can

type in a and you will see all the

suggestions that start with a

so alcohol account Austin text

availability and natural areas

then you can type in b you will get a

a different set of keywords where the

the fourth word in the sentence starts with

b you can do then the same thing with c

with d this way you can actually get a

a lot of long-tail ideas

now to take it one step further what you

can here do

are you can also go to the start of this

phrase and you can type in an underscore

and once you do that you will get it's

kind of like a wild card

you will get suggestions again in the

order of priority with the highest

the volume being towards the top

of the different keywords where the

first word

is anything so we've got our

the best list of east reserve so this is

very very powerful because it might

bring up

some ideas that you wouldn't have

thought of before and you can then

also start doing some more advanced

things such as

typing in a letter you can type in d

here and it will bring up everything

where the first

word starts with a d with an f

g etc so this brings up a lot more

options for you and you can even

go in between so, for example, you can go

texas and then

under underscore state parks and that


put in a wild card in between the words

in the sentence so for example, go

texas best state parks that are not

something that we've considered before

we can even type in texas parks and then

put an underscore and this will

show us uh all the different keywords

where between texas and parks there are


words included so here are also some

unusual ones like texas RV parks texas

amusement parks that's not something

that we've considered before

so this way you can generate lots and

lots of keyword ideas so let's include a

a couple of these potential keywords into

our list of keywords that we're


and now let's move on to the second way

of generating keyword ideas

and that is by using LSI keywords or

related keywords

anytime you type in a search query into

google such as texas state parks that

we've got here on the top left

if you scroll down all the way to the

bottom of the page you will see that

there are some suggested searches such

as texas state parks near me

texas state parks camping texas state

park reservations texas state parks with


so these can actually give you some

ideas on the keywords that Google thinks

are related to the main search query

that you've just

entered and it's always important to


these suggestions are because google will

often give you suggestions that you

haven't thought of before yourself

for example, if i type in best texas

state parks in the

top left I can see that here at the

bottom I've got a texas state park

reservations and best

texas state parks for families which is

not something that's been suggested to

us before

by the auto-suggest feature so let's

take a couple of these

and let's add them to our list of

keywords best texas state parks for

hiking best texas state parks for

families that all sounds good and let's

now move on to the next way of

generating keyword lists

for that, we're going to be using google

keyword planner tool it's completely

free to use

if you have not used it before you can

type into google google

keyword planner and then click onto the

first result

sign up for the account you may be asked

to set up an ad campaign you can do it

however, as soon as you set up the ad

the campaign you can just place it on hold

or on pause

so you won't actually have to have any

money spent on the ads but you will gain

access to the google keyword planner


so access the keyword planner tool and we'll

continue from there once you're inside

google keyword planner tool

I suggest that you type in a keyword

that outlines the general topic of what

you are researching into the search bar

for example, i might type in texas state

parks and texas parks

and then very importantly you should

change this location so

by default, it'll default to your country

so go into this option

and then delete the country click save

Do you want to look at worldwide volume for

this unless you've got specific reasons

to look at a very sort of localized

search volume for this

then click get results and you will get

a list of keywords with a lot of

very relevant information let's review

the results

first of all, google will show you the

keywords that you've entered

and the average monthly searches and

some other information about those


but what is more interesting at this

point in time

is these keyword ideas so google

topically knows what kind of keywords

people might be typing in if they're

interested in texas state parks what

else are they typing

into google and have a look at all of


great keyword ideas that google keyword

planner tool has given us

completely free of charge this is not a

paid tool

we can see suggestions that are sort of

obvious national parks in texas but

there are lots that you probably would


have thought of before unless you are

very familiar with texas

such as lake Houston wilderness park

big bend national park Palo Duro canyon

state park

and lots and lots of similar keywords in

total we've actually got 1

271 keyword ideas for free from google

keyword planner tool here is a cool

the keyword that I wouldn't have found

otherwise myself camping near Dallas

this is a good one

so we can add this keyword to our list

of keyword ideas here

but then what you can also do is you can

start typing

those keywords that we've just found

into google to see autosuggestions for

it and you can see

camping near Dallas with cabins for

an example is another keyword idea

that we've just gotten just by looking

at the keyword ideas here

and then using google autosuggest so the

opportunities to generate

keyword lists are literally limitless

using these methods

the last method that I want to show you

how to generate keyword lists

is by using the tool called sem rush the

The previous three methods were 100

free sem rush has got a 14 day free

a trial which you can

get by clicking the link in the

description below

in those 14 days, you can actually do a

a lot of research a little manipulation

and you can get

really useful results from sm rush and

after those 14 days, you can sort of

decide whether you want to continue

using this tool or not

now I will show you something very

powerful that I personally love myself

and that is to use this domain overview

option on the left-hand side

you can analyze and reverse engineer

keywords for any domain

for example, let's say you keep seeing

this website here

around in your research and you can


find out all of the keywords that

they're currently ranking for using the

sem rush tool

here is how to do this so you will want

to copy the

the domain name of this website you can do

this of course with

any website in any niche doesn't have to

be just camping

and then you would need to enter this

domain name here into the domain

overview and click search and that will

give you

an idea on this domain but the part that

we're mostly interested in

is this organic search traffic and

keywords data so we can see this is a

very large website

and we can actually then click through

and take a look at all of the keywords

that this website is currently ranking


once this page opens up you will see

that on

us google it's ranking for 257 000

different keywords

and this tool will actually give us all

of their keywords that are in the

database of semrush

257 000 keywords are great but the big

question is which of them

are easy to rank for and this is where

you can use sm rush advanced filters


and you can choose the option of include

and which is keyword difficulty and then

we can say

less than 65 so 65 is sort of the cutoff

anything below 65 is

actually a really easy keyword even for

a brand new website

that is just a mom and dad blog like if

you've got a brand new website

you should be okay to rank for anything

that's got kd less than 65 so can click


and guess what we still have 33 000

keywords that are easy to rank for

you can review these keywords afterwards

you can look at the kid and it's given us

some amazing ideas that we

i would definitely not have

thought of before me

such as glamping in Arkansas that's not

something that I've

ever considered or would have thought of

glamping in Arkansas

or look at this campgrounds in million

rocket main

I've never even heard of millinocket

main but I do live in Australia so sorry

I do know the state main

but just not this particular location

you can do a whole bunch of stuff within

sm rush you can export all these

keywords for now let's just copy and

paste these keywords into our shortlist

okay so now you know four very very

powerful ways to generate

huge lists of keywords uh

in your niche and what you're probably

thinking of now

is well how do we make sure that you can

actually, rank for those keywords

this is where the next part of the

the process starts so now we're going to go

through this

list of keywords and we're going to

analyze it just to show you that the

methods I'm about to show you

actually, work let's take a look at the

proof once again

so let's take a look at these two

keywords texas state parks for camping

and best texas state parks for camping

there are just some of the keywords that

my website ranks for and

both are really good keywords they've

got really good

monthly searches so one between 1 000

and 10 000 another one between 100

and 1000 and I rank in page one for both

of them so if we look at

texas state parks for camping which is

the larger keyword I rank here on

page one in position 10 and if we look

at keyword research tools free

best texas state parks for camping I am


in position two and I'm actually out

ranking the official

the website which is pretty cool right I'm a

pretty small blogger I don't have the

same budget

as the website but

by implementing very simple things I'm

going to show you how I managed to

outrank and how you can do

the same how you can find the winning

keywords the first thing to remember

is that the authority of your website

doesn't really matter that much what

matters most to google today

is the quality of the article and the

relevance why

is my site ranking and why is it

outranking this massive

the very very authoritative website which is

the official government website for

texas well that is because

of relevance, i am actually the only one

On the first page of google who is

targeting this exact key phrase look at

these best texas state parks

for camping if you look at the titles of

all of the other results

no one has got that phrase in their

title best texas state parks for camping

so we've got the best places to camp it's

similar but not exactly the same

and none of the other results have

actually got it so I found

a keyword where nobody else is targeting


exact key phrase and there are millions

and millions of these keywords out there

you just need to go through the list

follow the process

and I will show you exactly how to sort


apply these filters and how to apply

that logic to the keyword list that

we've got

the other important thing as I just

mentioned is the length of the content

so if we take a look at my article

you know my travel croc website this

website is not even my primary website

so but I still i outsource all of the


but let's take a look at the length of

the content that I've got here so this

was posted by my wife Lorena

and if we count the actual length of the

content here

you'll see that I've got 3041 keywords

so it's a

high-quality in-depth piece of content

whereas the

other articles here on the front page don't

actually have that much content

so this is proof for you that first of

all relevance

the how targeted the title is to the

search term

and secondly the length of the content

really do matter this is exactly

how it happened with bora bora facts as

well so the Britannica

encyclopedia of course is a huge super

authoritative website and most people

would think that

there is no way they're going to outrank right

but if you look at the length of the


for bora bora this particular page

they have almost no content it's very

very short if we count this

content here it's 1100 words

so not very long and I published an icon

that's longer

with 1676 words i managed to outrank so once again prove

that length of content and relevance

really do matter so to validate

each of these keywords and find out if

it's actually a good candidate for an

article on your site or not

you need to analyze it in terms of first

of all of course search volume but

also the relevance of your competitors

and how long the competitor's content is

let's do it step by step together

to get the volume of searches you can

just use the google keyword planner tool

so let's take texas state parks with

cabins we can then insert it into google

keyword planner and we can see that

average monthly searches is 1k to 10k

which is good

I recommend to stay away from anything

less than 100 searches a month so we can

now populate 1k

to 10k as the volume and now let's

analyze the competition

for that once again let's open google us

so that we get the most relevant

results in the top 10 and let's analyze

the competition so here is all of the


that we can see for this keyword term

let's review

position number one which is this one website

we can see that it's the the title

of the article is not relevant so we've

got texas state parks with cabins

that's the keyword and here it says

lodging texas parks and wildlife

departments so

this article is not specifically

targeting the keyword

so for position one i'm going to put not

targeted and i'm going to color it green

because that's a good thing for us then

let's count

the number of words in this article and

you can do this with a browser extension

called word counter we can just copy and

paste all of these

into microsoft word for example but here

we've got i've got the

counter extension installed so i can see

it's 409 words so very short which is

again it's good news for us

so we can put 409 and anything less than

one and a half thousand

is actually really good because it means

that if you publish an in-depth article

of 2000 words or more

you have a good chance of outranking

especially if it's not targeted

so let's make this green as well then

you will need to repeat the process once

again let's just do one more together

let's just do a different website okay

we'll do position three so here texas


uh this one is actually relevant so it

says texas state parks with cabins we do

have texas state park with cabins

in the title so let's put in

targeted and then we will need to count

how many words they've got

so let's open this up once again i'll

use the browser extension

so let's select all of this and

right click and click count these words

it's 559 words

559 so it's targeted that's not so good

i'm just going to color code it as

red but it is 559 words so not a lot of

content so this is green for us which is

really really good

let's make it green and you will just

repeat the same process for each of the

positions and the more green you see

the better it is as you're working

through your short list of keywords this


you will very quickly discover that some

keywords just are obviously

looking a lot easier than others this is

just pure example this is not real data

so if you cross

check and find out that this is not

exactly right for these keywords

this is why it's just an example right

but you will generally find that some

keywords have lots and lots of green and

maybe just a couple of

red spots where the title is targeted

and the volume

is of competition content is quite low

and then others will have lots and lots

of red where

the titles are very targeted and the


is quite long and when you've got this

data it's very very clear that for

something like this texas state park

with cabins

if all of the competition have only got

short articles and

the titles mostly are not targeted if

you publish

a targeted article and you make it at

least one and a half or two thousand


long or significantly longer than sort

of the average here

on the front page you will actually have

a really really good chance of ranking

your post on page one of google just by

publishing high quality content

sometimes you just want to get traffic

fast right so if you want to learn how

to get traffic

extremely fast within the next 24 to 48


then here is the Article that you should

go ahead and watch next it will show you

how to get traffic to your blog to your

website to your affiliate links

within the next 24 to 48 hours hope you

enjoy it thank you so much for  read this article

i'll see in the next article


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